UCSC Design Advisory Board opposes East Meadow Development.  [The] Design Advisory Board undertakes independent design review of... development plans  (per Regents’ policy).

  • From 3/26/18 meeting Notes: "The Board reiterated that they were still opposed to the selected site and felt that the campus was 'making a big mistake.' They also strongly urged for an analysis of alternative sites." [Click to read the Board's detailed notes.]

  • From 2/27/18 meeting Notes: "In conclusion, the [Design Advisory] Board wanted to be recorded that they are unanimously opposed to the selection of this site for the [Family Student Housing] development. They questioned what alternative sites had been evaluated and expressed concerns that the low-density program, located at such an iconic gateway intersection, undermines the careful approach and purposefulness of campus planning, and were alarmed by the potentially inhospitable interruption to the visual character of the open meadow in that specific location." [Click to read the Board's detailed notes.]

East Meadow Alert -- from the Santa Cruz Bird Club

Alternative Sites -- Interactive map: http://www.ucscfuture.org

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Click image for larger picture

"Random Notes on the Site" (1962) by Thomas Church - This memo from UCSC's founding landscape architect was considered by many to be an aesthetic charter for the campus. It influenced a generation of environmentally sensitive planners.

Road to '65: Creating A Design for the New Campus - An essay on early campus history from UCSC 50th Anniversary website. 

An Uncommon Place: A Digital Companion - Images and text from an exhibition (2014) on early campus history.

In the Ecotone: The UC Santa Cruz Campus by James Clifford - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - A study of the aesthetics, ecology, planning history, and utopian potential of the Santa Cruz campus.

"East Meadow to be Developed" (City on a Hill Press) 3/15/18

"3000 Beds with an Environmental Price Tag" (City on a Hill Press) 4/13/18

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
— Claire C.